6 week update

These last six weeks have gone by so fast!

We have enjoyed every minute with her! Things are going very well. Adelaide is healthy as are mommy and daddy. Some recent changes are her smiles are getting bigger and she is spending more and more time on her tummy and learning how to push herself up. Today she rolled over from her tummy to her back, although it looked more like a tumble from when she was pushing herself up. I took a few pictures to capture 6 weeks!












Our Daughter!

How wonderful to be able to say that! We have a daughter!

Adelaide Danielle Bergstrom was born October 3, 2014. She weighed 7.12 ounces and 20 1/2 inches long!

She is already three weeks old today and time has gone by so fast! We have been loving every minute with her and we are very guilty of spending so much time just staring at her.

At 40 1/2 weeks pregnant I choose to end the waiting game and be induced. At first I feared the induction but it actually worked out really well. The Pictocin slowly brought on contractions for most the day. Things really got moving once my water broke. Then hard labor really kicked in, but just three hours later I was ready to push. When she arrived all I could think about was how perfect she was. We were so happy and daddy couldn’t help jumping around the room. She was born very healthy and I did very well after delivery too.

It was definitely the happiest most memorable day of my life. We’ve been getting to know our little lady, and feel so blessed that God has given her to us.

To those who read my blog I know you’ve been waiting for an update and thanks for being patient! It’s been hard to find time to write when I’ve been cuddling our little lady bug all day!

Thank you to everyone who called, stopped by or wrote to say congratulations! We’ve been so happy to be able to Skype with our friends and family who live far away. It’s great to be able to introduce her to everyone!

Now for some pictures!!!











Week 39

So still pregnant! We are hoping to be able to meet our little girl soon. For now just enjoying the last of this pregnancy. The end is near, baby has dropped and those Braxton hicks are getting stronger. The anticipation is building. My parents are here and we are all waiting, as are the grandparents back in Canada. We hope to have some news to share soon, but for now keeping busy!



Just for fun you can compare to week 29! What a difference!

Baby showers!

Hubby, baby and I have been super blessed lately. We’ve had 2 wonderful showers and packages showing up at the door. We are very much ready for baby. I think what left on my list to get right now is C batteries. So you can see we are doing well.

My small group at church threw a beautiful shower at the end of August. Here’s some pictures!



My coworkers put on a shower for us this week:

Take a look at this diaper cake!




All we are missing now is our baby! We are hopeful to meet her within the week, but due date is still 10 days away! Advice has been to stay busy and enjoy the last few days as just us, so that’s what we plan to do. My parents should be arriving tomorrow and hopefully baby comes soon after 🙂

Week 38

Well she’s getting pretty ripe in there and we are excited to meet her soon. We are officially on baby watch and counting down the days. Due date is 16 days away! Time surely flies, I remember when we were just 16 weeks pregnant. At some point I guess you flip from counting up to counting down. This pregnancy has been a huge blessing. Not without its struggles at times, but I’ve had a lot of good days and doctor says baby and I are healthy. We continue to pray for the rest of the pregnancy and as we gear up to the big day! Still have labor and delivery to get to, so I know there is still plenty ahead. But still just taking it all one day at a time.

Happy Sunday!


Love, K&K

Road Trip

We did a quick weekend trip to Kansas this weekend!

We went to visit friends and had the most wonderful time. I love long drives, as I get lots of hubby time and we can have long talks about everything. He’s still my favorite person to talk to. #stillinlove

Baby did very well on the trip and let mommy make it somehow with only one bathroom stop both ways.


Here we are at 31 weeks. I feel larger everyday and enjoying the show as baby kicks waves through my tummy.

Some have asked and we are registered at Target….

The drive through Kansas was lovely. Lots of green farm land and rolling hills. It was a bit of a last minute trip. Hubby and I are trying to do things on the weekends that we won’t get to do as easily once baby comes. We only have so many left before we will need to stay closer to home and be on baby watch.

But for this week it’s back to work 🙂



Baby Shower… in progress

I had the pleasure of attending a baby shower this weekend for a couple in our small group who are adopting. It was wonderful to get together and celebrate the couple and the anticipation of their coming arrival! As usual we played games, ate some delicious food and opened the gifts. I was told later that I’m next! And it’s true hubby and I and this couple will be the next new parents in our group. We are glad to have those in our group who are already parents to advise and ones that will be figuring this all out as we are!

We’ve been blessed so far with many baby gifts. As we live so far from our families we won’t be able to have a traditional family baby shower. So to still share in this with our families, I thought we can blog about the gifts we’ve received to allow all to participate with us. We have already felt so showered with love.

I have been asked are we ready???And well… We’ve been working on it. We’ve bought some diapers and wipes, have baby clothes hanging in the closet, but still have much to prepare!

Here are some of the gifts we’ve received so far!

Adorable cowboy booties made by my sister in law!

Gifts from my cousins!

Cute Jammie’s, bibs and a hat from my aunt! This was the first gift we received in the mail and we shocked by how small it was and started us imagining having our little baby!

This is our crib, a gift from my parents. Mattress and bedding still to come!

A nursing pillow from friends! This will definitely be well used!

I will continue to update periodically for those who wish to participate in our ‘baby shower’.

29 Weeks!

Well I’ve officially popped as my coworkers say, and now everyone can tell I’m pregnant and people ask me all the time when the baby is coming. No more hiding this!

I’ve also hit the third trimester, which means we’re in the home stretch!!

So far things are going well. We have our next doctor appointment in a week. At our last appointment we did the glucose test, which is a nasty sugary drink you have 3 minutes to swallow. Thankfully those results came back good and it was negative for gestational diabetes 🙂

They say the baby is the size of a papaya and weighs 2.5lbs!

11 weeks to go and thankfully after hitting 105 F this weekend, a cool front is coming this week even some 70s and 80s! The Lord is surely looking down on this pregnant mama.


She has been kicking up a storm lately and those movements are getting stronger and you can sometimes see the belly jump through the shirt. Pretty miraculous!

Check out the baby ticker to follow along!

We have made some progress on the baby’s room and have the crib up and the rocking chair ordered. Still need to do a trip to Ikea for a dresser, and we have some baby clothes hanging in the closet. We have some bigger purchases to make such as a stroller and pack’n’play that we will probably do soon. Things are coming together!

Thanks for tuning in !



3 years Married and 23 weeks Preggo

June 4th, we celebrated our 3rd Anniversary. This year we got to sneak away for some well needed couple time. We went to Harrison Hot Springs in Beautiful British Columbia. It was tucked away in the mountains right on the lake. Oh BC, how we missed your beauty!

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Harrison Hot Springs Resort


It was quiet, relaxing, peaceful. Hubby and I got to take a dip in the hot springs; have a wonderful evening of dinner and dancing with a live band. We woke up to lovely breakfast buffet where we sat overlooking the lake and then had a long walk by the beach. How lovely indeed.  I only wished we had time for me to look in all the little stores!  But we needed to get on the road again for Kelowna! Our baby-mooning schedule was jammed packed 🙂

VLUU L100, M100  / Samsung L100, M100

Happy Anniversary to the love of my life!


I’m not sure if I like babymooning or celebrating our anniversary more… they are both immensely enjoyable… either way I hope we can continue to celebrate each of these events together in the future… and maybe they’ll line up again for us 🙂


Here is our belly update:

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23 weeks


She is coming along nicely. I’ve been feeling great, getting lots of exercise and just some of the usual pregnancy complaints. It made travelling no fun, but loved to get away and get some hubby time (it can be hard to get him away from the lab 😉 )  We are very thankful for continued health. We are approaching 26 weeks so just 14 to go!! We are getting excited. Now that we are home we need to start getting the nursery together and getting ready for this life changing bundle of joy!


with love,


Sad So Longs

We had to say good bye to our wonderful friends over the last few weekends. We had a great send off party for them the week before last.
It was great to have many of our small group members together. Brad and Kelsey were the first friends we made in Oklahoma. Mostly because we bonded over the love of game nights 🙂


What they might not know, is that they taught us a lot about Oklahoma. So to remember…

1. They told us what the strange sound was we were hearing on Saturdays. ( that would be the weekly tornado siren testing)
2. How to celebrate the American Thanksgiving- they invited us to their family thanksgiving our first year here.
3. How to play ticket to ride! We in turn taught them how to play Settlers 😉
4. They turned us on to Lost. Brad lent us the first season and then we become netflix subscribers and did nothing but watch the rest of the seasons for the next few months 🙂 we refer to the spring of 2012 as our Lost black hole.
5. They showed us what a tornado shelter/cellar in your backyard looks like.
6. They showed us Christ through their love, hospitality and fun loving nature! So grateful for many good times and we look forward to visits when you are home and we hope to be able to visit you in your new home!

We wish you are the best as you settle into your new home and jobs in Missouri!
